State Volleyball Apparel - Store Closes Monday, November 4th @ 11AM
Order your 2024 State Volleyball Apparel using this link or by scanning the QR code. The store will close on Monday, November 4th at 11AM to ensure items are ready for pick up on Wednesday afternoon at the school. . . .
24-25 Winter Sports Apparel Stores
The winter stores will be open until Tuesday, November 5th. There are three separate stores (girls basketball, boys basketball, and boys/girls wrestling). We are going through BSN for the winter stores. Apparel items will be . . .
Football Playoff Apparel - Store Closes Friday (10/18) 10AM
STATE FOOTBALL PLAYOFF SHIRTS All orders will be online and can be accessed through the following link or QR code: . . .
Athletic Booster Information
Overton Athletic Booster Information On behalf of the Overton Athletic Boosters, welcome to another exciting year of Overton Athletics. The following is a summary of who the Athletic Boosters are and what we . . .
Fall 2024 Overton Eagle Apparel
Once again this year we will have seasonal apparel sales for each seasons activities. The fall store will be open until Wednesday, August 14th @ 11:00AM. There are apparel items for each of our fall activities along with general . . .
School Pictures
School pictures are scheduled for Thursday, August 29th in the morning. Fall activity pictures will be taken in the afternoon. You may order early through the following site or by scanning the QR code . . .
2024-2025 School & Athletic Physicals
August 12th will begin Fall Sports Practice. All students in grades 9-12, participating in fall athletics, are required to have a current athletic physical turned into Mr. Fleischman prior to the first day of practice. Students . . .
2024-2025 School Meal Prices
School meal prices have increased by $.10 from the 23-24 school year. Breakfast will cost $2.70 for grades K-12. Lunch prices will be as follows: K-4 $3.70; 5-12 $4.20; Adults $4.70. Reduced prices . . .
2024-2025 Student Accident Insurance - Online
Overton Public School is not responsible for any accidental injuries that occur to students while under the school’s supervision or participating in interscholastic sports. Our School District has partnered with . . .
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Notice of Non-Discrimination The school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and . . .
State Champion Golf Apparel
Order your 2024 Boys Golf State Champion Apparel using this link or by scanning the QR code. The store will close on Friday, June 7th at 11AM. Items can be ordered in grey, black, or royal. . . .
Girls Basketball State Champion Apparel
Order your 2024 Girls Basketball State Champion Apparel using this link or by scanning the QR code. The store will close on Wednesday, March 13th at 11AM. Items can be ordered in grey, black, or heather royal. . . .
State Girls Basketball Apparel
Order your 2024 Girls Basketball State Champion Apparel using this link or by scanning the QR code. The store will close on Wednesday, March 13th at 11AM. Items can be ordered in Grey, Black, or Heather Royal. . . .
Spring 2023-2024 Overton Eagle Apparel
Once again this year we will have seasonal apparel sales for each seasons activities. The spring store will be open until Thursday, March 7th @ 11:00AM. There are apparel items for each of our spring activities along with general . . .
State Champion Volleyball Apparel
Order your 2023 State Champion Volleyball Apparel using this link or by scanning the QR code. The store will close on Monday, November 13th at 11AM to ensure items are ready for pick up on Wednesday afternoon at the school. . . .
State Volleyball Apparel - Store Closes Monday, October 30th @ 11AM
Order your 2023 State Volleyball Apparel using this link or by scanning the QR code. The store will close on Monday, October 30th at 11AM to ensure items are ready for pick up on Wednesday afternoon at the school. . . .
Football Playoff Apparel - Store Closes Monday (10/16) 10AM
Order your 2023 Football Playoff Apparel using this link or by scanning the QR code. The store will close on Monday, October 16th to ensure items are ready for pick up on Wednesday afternoon at the school. ( . . .
New Streaming Platform
We have moved to Hudl TV to stream our events for the 2023-2024 school year. Live events may be watched on our Overton Eagles Fan page for up to date events and highlights from past games ( Overton Hudl Fan Page ).
Schedule Change 11-3 & 11-4
Congratulations to the Volleyball team on qualifying for the State Tournament. Please note the following calendar changes for upcoming dates: Thursday, November 3rd (No School) Friday, . . .
Dismissal Change 10-24-22
We will be dismissing school at 2:27 prior to the Sub-District Volleyball games on Monday, October 24, 2022. This will help ensure our students are out of the building prior to visiting teams and fans arriving at the games. We . . .
2021-2022 School Meals Update
School Meals at No Charge for All Students Effective for School Year 2021-22, Overton Public School will serve meals at no charge to enrolled students. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved use of . . .
2021-2022 Safe Return to School Plan
Overton Public School will return to school in August 2021 with fewer health restrictions than the previous school year. For staff, students, and visitors masks will be optional and supported unless substantial . . .
2021-2022 Preschool Registration Dates
Pre-School registration dates for the 2021-2022 school year are as follows: Tuesday, March 16th Wednesday, March 17th Thursday, March 18th Registration times will be from 9:00-11:00AM and 1:00-2:30PM each day. This . . .
Away Athletic Contest Guidelines (Updated 10-31-20)
STATE VOLLEYBALL @ LINCOLN (11/5-11/7) All fans and bench personnel are required to wear a mask at all times in the arena. Lincoln and Lancaster County have a mask mandate in place so be prepared to wear your mask everywhere . . .
Overton Fall Activity Guidelines (Updated 9-23-20)
Overton Public School Covid-19 Activity Guidelines The following guidelines will apply to all Overton Public School Activities for the 20-21 School Year. The purpose of these guidelines is to help create a safer competition . . .
New Guidance (5-6-21) / (11-11-20) / Mask Requirement Update 8-19-2020
New DHM Requirements (5-6-21) Effective 5-6-21 masks will be optional for all students and staff per the updated DHM guidance we have received. Any student with a positive covid test will still be required to quarantine per . . .
20-21 School and Athletic Physicals
August 10th will begin Fall Sports Practice. The NSAA has waived the athletic physical requirement for any student in grades 8, 10, 11, & 12 who had an athletic physical in 19-20. All students in grades 7 & 9 are . . .
2020-2021 School Year (Updated 7-28-20)
The First Day of School is Wednesday, August 12th. This day will be a 2:30 dismissal with Thursday beginning our regular school days. The school day will begin at 8:05 and will be dismissed at 3:28 on M-Th. and 2:27 on F. . . .
Last Pick-up and Drop-off Day May 20th
Pick-up and Drop-off Wednesday, May 20 th 11:00-12:30PM We will have our final pick-up and drop-off day on Wednesday, May 20 th from 11:00-12:30PM at the Wrestling Room doors again. Please drive up to . . .
Covid-19 Resources
With the COVID-19 situation in Nebraska, Overton Public Schools will be closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 School Year. We know that parents and the community are concerned. We are taking every precaution . . .
Extended Learning Plan
As we transition from our Enrichment Activities to our Extended Learning Environment, please refer to the Extended Learning Plan for information regarding daily class schedules, Zoom schedules, grading procedures, and roles & . . .
UPDATE: School Closure 3/17 - 5/31
Overton Public School will be closed for the remainder of the school year per the directive by Governor Ricketts and the recommendations by our local Health Departments. We will continue in our Extended Learning Environment for . . .
STRIV has come to Overton
Welcome to a new school year and a new way to view your Overton Eagle Events. We have partnered with this year to stream our events. To view events you are unable to attend you can visit our Striv . . .
Digital Citizenship Presentation
We are excited to have KSB School Attorney, Bobby Truhe, discuss Digital Citizenship with our students, staff, and parents on Tuesday, August 22 nd . The schedule for the day will be as follows: Grades 5-8 . . .
2017 Solar Eclipse Information
Dear Parents and Guardians, On August 21, 2017, parts of Nebraska will be in the path of a total solar eclipse. This is the first time since 1918 a solar eclipse will be visible on a path across the entire continental United . . .
2017-2018 Calendar
You can access all Overton Eagle events by linking to our Google Calendar. Here is a quick view of the calendar for easy reference to our scheduled days off.
2017-2018 Student Handbooks
The Student Handbooks have been updated for the 2017-2018 school year. Both handbooks for K-4 and 5-12 have went through a massive revision process. The Middle & High School and Extra-Curricular handbooks have been merged into . . .
Amherst Wrestling Invite Live Steam
Striv Sports is partnering with Amherst High School to bring you LIVE coverage of all 3 mats, through the entirety of the tournament tomorrow . Please let your fans know they can watch the meet at the following link: . . .

No School on November 15, 2016
There will be No School on Tuesday, November 15, 2016. We host Conference Choral Clinic on this day. This will be a Teacher In-Service/Workday.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences are a week away. The times for conferences have been moved up 1-hour. Conferences will run from 12:30-6:30PM. This will be an 11:30 dismissal day for students. Thank you for making . . .

Click on the link on the right side of the home page to check out our new Eagle Apparel Store! Go Eagles! #EaglePride